The shoe laces themselves are straight forward standard round laces, but the lace hooks, especially the closed hooks (3 bottom ones) on the boots are not up to the par. Unfinished (rough surfaces)...
MIkko L.
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MIkko L.
Airpower P9 Desert shoe laces
The shoe laces themselves are straight forward standard round laces, but the lace hooks, especially the closed hooks (3 bottom ones) on the boots are not up to the par. Unfinished (rough surfaces) and the paint work is poor as well. This causes the premature wear & tear of the laces and the nuisance of discoloring the laces. It is a shame good boots are equipped w/ 2nd rate parts.
MIkko L.
Airpower P9 Desert shoe laces
The shoe laces themselves are straight forward standard round laces, but the lace hooks, especially the closed hooks (3 bottom ones) on the boots are not up to the par. Unfinished (rough surfaces)...